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3. 文化,例如、;跨国文化差异,多元化文化影响,传统文化&习俗等等。
6. 能源日益减少的问题,以及开发新能源的问题。
7. 政府是否应该加大公益性和艺术,民间传统艺术的投资。
1. Individuals can do nothing to improve environment. Only governments and big companies can make difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
2. In most countries, people nowadays are becoming unwilling to communicate with each other and even with their neighbours. The feelings between people become aloof or indifferent. You’re your analysis on the cause for that and the solution to that issue.
3. Some people think that school students should be selected according to academic ability, but other people believe that students with different abilities should be educated together. Discuss different views and state your reasons and your opinion
4. Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works by using computer. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
5. In many countries, good schools and medical facilities are available only in cities. Some people think new teachers and doctors should work in rural areas for a few years. But some others think everyone should be free to choose where they work .Discuss and give your own opinion.题目讲农村缺乏好的学校和医疗设备,有人建议新的老师和医生要去农村工作几年,而有的人认为每个人都有权力选择去哪工作,你认为?
6. The speeding-up of life in many areas such as communications and travel have negative effects on all levels—individual, national and globe. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
7. The international trade has made many goods transport to other countries, such as daily necessities. Such goods are usually transported at a long distance. What do you think if its benefits overweigh the drawbacks?
8. So little has been done to protect the animals and plants, although people have been aware of this problem for a long time. State the reason and how to solve it.
9. Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the governments rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
II. 听力,请关注以下版本:
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IV. 口语预测:
Part I
1. Random talk:
1) Why do you like to dress this way?
2) Why were you smiling when you entered the door?
3) What do you think of the outside weather?
4) How long would it take you to come here from your home?
2. About yourself
What’s your surname (last name family name), full name, your given name (first name), and English mane.
来自哪里?对hometown 的描述,you should say : Where it is? And explain why you like or dislike your hometown.
3. House
Do you live in a house or a flat? When you started living there?
What do you think of the area in which you live? What rooms it has and what you use them for
What your neighborhood is like and say how long you think it will be your home for
Room in your childhood, 是否认为将来生活会有所改善?
人们一般怎么装修他们的房子?你家什么怎么样装修的? 关于室内家具(哪种类型的,什么材料做的,还有一点好像是为什么选择这类家具)
4. Ambitions
What is your main ambition in life?
Do you think you will achieve your ambition?
Do you think you are an ambitious person?
5. Animals or pets
1) What is your favorite animal?
2) Why you like this animal?
3) How to protect the wild animals?
4) Is it our responsibility to provide the animals with better living and surviving conditions?
5) What pets are popular in your country?
6) Using animals for experiments are common do you have any suggestion on this procedure?
7) Animals are or aren't worth protecting?
6. Book
How often do you read books? Who is your favorite writer?
Would you like to write a book one day? If you want to write a book, what kind of book would you like to write?
What's the book about? 书中的主要角色,什么类型的书?你希望谁阅读你的书?为什么?该书主要面向那种类型的读者?为什么要写这本书?作为一个作者应具备哪些素质? 作者会面临什么问题?
7. Collection Do you like collect things?
What do Chinese people like to collect
Why do you have such a collection?What can people learn from their collections?收集的东西有什么价值?在你的国家人们都会收集什么东西,为什么?
8. Cooking and Food
Do you cooking at home?How often do you cook by yourself?Who cooks in your family?
How do Chinese people learn cooking?Who do you learn cooking from?Do you like to cook?
9. Crime
Is crime a problem in your city / region / country? Which kind of crime do you think is the biggest problem in your region? Have you ever witnessed a crime? What do you do to protect yourself and your home from thieves? Do you often read newspaper articles about crime?
10. Family
what is your father? Describe his personality and character? What is your mother? Describe her personality? Who do you like the most your father or your mother? Why? What family activities are popular in your city?
11. Film
What type film do you like / what kinds of films do you like to watch? Are these kinds of films popular in your country?
11. friend
现在的交友方式?(我提到了上网聊天交友)这样能否交到真的朋友? 随着年龄增长,朋友关系是不是还能继续维持?和同事成为朋友好不好?公司应该怎样帮助职员成为朋友?同事能不能成为好朋友?父母能成为你的朋友吗?觉得朋友和家人哪个对孩子的影响较大?觉得哪种关系更为重要?怎么才算是真正的朋友朋友需要相似吗需要为对方付出吗怎么看待善意的谎言.
12. Job
What is your job? Why you like or dislike this job?
What is the most important when it comes to good job: money (salary), colleagues, boss or the working environment?
愿意选什么样的公司工作?工作环境在近20年改变了没有?怎么在工作和空闲时间找到平衡?怎样看待在中国有的地方工人的工作时间超过12小时?你认为对你来说,什么事你选择一个工作的条件?Why? 你认为有好的team和co-worker重要么?why介绍一个朋友的公司:地点,公司做什么的,朋友的职责。很多公司看重学校的名气来招工,你认为如何。是什么导致工作这么紧张.
Do you often go to museums?
What kind of museum do you like? Why?
What kind of museum are more popular in china?
Do you think we should pay money to go to museum?
Do you like reading?
Why do you like reading?
What kind of books do you read?
How often do you read books?
What's your favorite book?
15. Photograph
Do you like to take photographs?
Do Chinese people like to take photographs?
Which kind of photos you like to take?
Which kind of photos you like?
What kinds of photos do Chinese like?
16. Shopping
Do you enjoy shopping /window shopping?
17. Sport
Do you like sports?
Which kind of sports do you like? Why?
Do Chinese like sports?
Do you think sports have some benefits to young people? Which kind?
Do you do some sports in school?
18. Weather
What type of weather do you like?
What type of weather do Chinese people usually like?
Which is your least favorite season?
What do you often do on sunny days?
What is the weather like in your city?
19. Travel
What kind of travel do you like? Why? Where?问喜不喜欢旅游?为什么喜欢旅游?去过哪?
What is the place you like best? Why?最喜欢哪?为什么?最后一次旅游什么时候去哪?
20. TV
How often do you watch TV? What kind of programmes do you watch? Is watching TV a popular thing to do in your country? Do you often talk about TV programmes with friends?
Wedding描述一个婚礼,是谁的,where they got married?发生了什么,你对他的看法.如何处理金钱和婚姻之间的关系,以及和文化联系。中国人是不是都喜欢送钱?喜欢大型婚礼,还是小型的.
21. Art
22. Letter
Do you write letters?你有什么Feeling?为什么对你重要?
问你会给谁写信(GIRLFRIEND!)?通过邮局的信都有什么种类(由谁发出?我编的:私人,Business, IELTS成绩单)?中国人为什么会向newspaper写信?中国人E-MAIL的使用率是多少,为什么?使用E-Mail的人大都集中在大城市吗?使用E-Mail会对中国人写信习惯有什么影响?问你喜欢传统信还是电子邮件,各自有什么利弊.
现代科技对人们的通信方式等是否有冲击IMPACT,你认为HANDWRITING将来是否还需要TAUGHT,以及FUTURE LITERACY的问题。
23. Music
Can you tell me about western music's impact on world music?
Do you think it's necessary to hold music courses at high school?
Musical instruments乐器,中国学生都学什么乐器,你喜欢什么乐器,如果你要学乐器,你会去学哪一种,为什么?
24. Dance
跳舞吗? Do people in your country like dancing?
Where do they dance? 老年人和年轻人跳舞的时间有什么不同?
Part II Describe
1. Building You should say:
What you learnt at the school and who taught you?
What the school campus was like?
And explain how the school helped improve your future prospects (or did not)
2. an interesting building. You should say:
1) what the most interesting building is in your home city or town
2) Where it is
3) what it is used for? And explain why you think it is the most interesting.
3. Exhibition describes an exhibition you found. You should say:
Where you saw? What is it about?
describe an exhibition Describe a museum, library or exhibit in your hometown图书馆,政府需要投入很多钱在图书馆?
4. a meal that you either cooked or ate.
You should say what the meal consisted of and who made it?
Where you cooked it or ate it?
And explain why the meal was so special.
5. Interesting trip Describe your latest trip in detail.
You should say:1)Who you went with and where you went2)How long it took you to get there3)Describe the scenery比较交通工具的优缺点?个人旅游跟集体旅游的区别?旅游有哪些坏处?And explain why you think this is an interesting place.
Learning English
6. Describe your experience of learning English.
You should say:
1)When you start to learn English
2)Describe most interesting English class
3)Which thing helps to your English And explain the importance of learning English.
7. Child 中国现在小学(elementary school)的教育方式好不好?存在哪些问题?中西方教育的差异,对中国教育的看法.Describe a child you knew. You should say:
1) what the child’s name is?
2) How old the child is?
3) What the child like or dislike? And explain why you like this child.
8. Famous person
Describe a famous person in history who you would like to meet.
You should say:
1) who this person was
2) what he did?
3) What was special about him or her? And explain why you would like to meet him or her.
9.Describe a letter or a card
You must say:
Who sent you this card/letter?
Why was it sent to you?
When was it sent to you?
10. Describe the person in your family who is most similar to you.
You should say:
1) Who this person is
2) What type of person he/she is
3) Why you two are similar. And explain why you think you two are similar.
(Do remember that it’s only for your references.)