

发布:环球雅思点击数:2185发布时间:2006-12-01 00:14:05


南京环球雅思预测】xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />20061125雅思考试部分预测xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />






1.       Should criminals be sent to a jail or let them do something else as punishment instead of sending into a jail? Why and give your reasons.

2.       University should teach students knowledge and skills helping for the future career. Agree or disagree?

3.       Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve traffic and pollution. What extend do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think more effective?

4.       Some people think the cultural traditions may be destroyed when they are used as money-making attractions aimed to tourists. Others believe it is the only way to save traditions.Discuss both of them and give your opinion

5.       It is generally believed that education is of vital importance in individuals development and well-being of societies. What should education consist of to fulfill both these functions?

6.       Some people think that visitors should follow the local cultures and behavior. Others think the host country should welcome the culture differences. Discuss and give you opinion.

7.       Some people say that the increasing business and culture contract between countries has the positive effect, others say it would loss the countries identities, agree or disagree.

8.       Many people think public libraries should only provide books and shouldn't waste their limited money on expensive hi-tech media, such software dvd or vedio.

9.       the news media have influence for our life and that this is negative development. Do you agree or disagree?

10.   sports and entertainment personalities have higher value than professional workers like doctor ,nurse and teacher in some society ,why this happened in some society and do you think it is good or bad development.




1.       电视电脑对人们带来的负面影响,主要是儿童。

2.       交通问题给生活带来的不便,如何解决?

3.       对于从事的职业应当如何选择?兴趣还是专业?

4.       时尚的利弊,主要是时装。

5.       儿童教育问题,some parents think that the school should be more responsible

6.       人们认为传统服装是传统的一种体现,do you agree

7.       政府是否应该加大艺术投资。

8.       政府是否应当加大公益性投资,比如建桥修路和民众娱乐健身装置。

9.       是实用性课程重要还是基础课程重要,数学、物理等课程是否会被计算机等课程取代?

10.   现在家长让小孩子看太多电视,会有什么后果。





Leisure time

How do you spend your time to relax? What do you usually do to relax
What do people in your country do to relax? What do you do to change your routine?



About yourself

Whats your surname (last name family name), full name, your given name (first name), and English mane.

来自哪里?对hometown 的描述,you should say : Where it is? And explain why you like or dislike your hometown.

House, Do you live in a house or a flat? When you started living there?

What do you think of the area in which you live?  What rooms it has and what you use them for

What your neighborhood is like and say how long you think it will be your home for

Room in your childhood, 是否认为将来生活会有所改善?

人们一般怎么装修他们的房子?你家什么怎么样装修的? 关于室内家具(哪种类型的,什么材料做的,还有一点好像是为什么选择这类家具)

Describe the person in your family who is most similar to you.
You should say: 1) Who this person is 2) What type of person he/she is 3) Why you two are similar. And explain why you think you two are similar.

Animals or pets1: What is your favorite animal? 2: Why you like this animal? 3: How to protect the wild animals? 4: Is it our responsibility to provide the animals with better living and surviving conditions? 5: What pets are popular in your country?6: Using animals for experiments are common do you have any suggestion on this procedure?7: Animals are or arent worth protecting?

Collection Do you like collect things What do Chinese people like to collect
Why do you have such a collectionWhat can people learn from their collections?收集的东西有什么价值?在你的国家人们都会收集什么东西,为什么?

Cooking and Food Do you cooking at homeHow often do you cook by yourselfWho cooks in your familyHow do Chinese people learn cookingWho do you learn cooking fromDo you like to cook每个地方都有不同的饮食文化,以你自己的国家你觉得每个地区的饮食文化有所不同吗?你觉得人们的饮食文化会因为某些因素而改变吗?你觉得会因为一些特殊的自然因素而改变吗?你觉得什么是健康的饮食?(因为我回答了VEGETARIAN)你觉得什么样的人会吃素,为什么选择吃素?你自己是素食主义者吗?为什么?

Crime Is crime a problem in your city / region / country? Which kind of crime do you think is the biggest problem in your region? Have you ever witnessed a crime? What do you do to protect yourself and your home from thieves? Do you often read newspaper articles about crime?

Family what is your father? Describe his personality and character? What is your mother? Describe her personality? Who do you like the most your father or your mother? Why? What family activities are popular in your city?

Film What type film do you like / what kinds of films do you like to watch? Are these kinds of films popular in your country? 你认为电影和小说都英雄人物对年轻人对性格有影响吗?对老人对性格有影响吗?你喜欢电影或小说中的什么人物?在中国什么样的电影或小说中的人物最流行?




Job What is your job? Why you like or dislike this job?

What is the most important when it comes to good job: money (salary), colleagues, boss or the working environment?

愿意选什么样的公司工作?工作环境在近20年改变了没有?怎么在工作和空闲时间找到平衡?怎样看待在中国有的地方工人的工作时间超过12小时?你认为对你来说,什么事你选择一个工作的条件?Why? 你认为有好的teamco-worker重要么?why介绍一个朋友的公司:地点,公司做什么的,朋友的职责。很多公司看重学校的名气来招工,你认为如何。是什么导致工作这么紧张.

Museum  Do you often go to museums? What kind of museum do you like? Why? What kind of museum are more popular in china? Do you think we should pay money to go to museum?

Reading Do you like reading? Why do you like reading? What kind of books do you read? How often do you read books? Whats your favorite book?

Shopping一般选择什么样的地方买东西?都去什么店?喜欢什么样的店?家里什么东西由你来买?do you enjoy shopping /window shopping?

Sport Do you like sports? Which kind of sports do you like? Why? Do Chinese like sports? Do you think sports have some benefits to young people? Which kind? Do you do some sports in school? 参加运动有什么好处? 你从体育活动中得到了什么? 政府是否应该支持大型运动活动?为什么? 在学校设置体育课好不好?孩子应该学吗?
The weather What type of weather do you like? What type of weather do Chinese people usually like? Which is your least favorite season? What do you often do on sunny days? What is the weather like in your city?


TV How often do you watch TV? What kind of programmes do you watch? Is watching TV a popular thing to do in your country? Do you often talk about TV programmes with friends?

Building You should say: what you learnt at the school and who taught you? What the school campus was like? And explain how the school helped improve your future prospects (or did not)  

Describe an interesting building.
You should say: 1) what the most interesting building is in your home city or town2) Where it is 3) what it is used for? And explain why you think it is the most interesting.

Exhibition describes an exhibition you found. You should say: where you saw? What is it about? describe an exhibition Describe a museum, library or exhibit in your hometown图书馆,政府需要投入很多钱在图书馆?

 a meal that you either cooked or ate.

You should say what the meal consisted of and who made it? Where you cooked it or ate it? And explain why the meal was so special.

Interesting trip Describe your latest trip in detail.
You should say:1)Who you went with and where you went2)How long it took you to get there3)Describe the scenery
比较交通工具的优缺点?个人旅游跟集体旅游的区别?旅游有哪些坏处?And explain why you think this is an interesting place. 

Child  中国现在小学(elementary school)的教育方式好不好?存在哪些问题?中西方教育的差异,对中国教育的看法.Describe a child you knew. You should say: 1) what the childs name is2)? How old the child is? 3) What the child like or dislike? And explain why you like this child.

Famous person

Describe a famous person in history who you would like to meet.
You should say: 1) who this person was2) what he did? 3) What was special about him or her? And explain why you would like to meet him or her.


Music Can you tell me about western musics impact on world music?

Do you think its necessary to hold music courses at high school?






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