

发布:环球雅思点击数:849发布时间:2024-09-10 00:00:00

 我,作为教师,教书育人,从业四十余载,所教学生成千上万,为祝贺中华人民共和国教师节,而感慨万分,也是感慨不已,有感而发:I, as a teacher, teaching and educating people, engaged in more than 40 years, have generated thousands of students, to congratulate Teachers' Day intimately pertinent to the People's Republic of China, and with great emotions, but also with strong passions, feeling that or rather having the sense or those thoughts of words as follows:

师者,传道授业解惑。Teachers preach, impart knowledge, and answer questions or solve problems or rather dispel doubts or questions or queries or suspicions or even uncertainties.
桃李不言,下自成蹊‌。Peaches and plums do not speak, but they are so attractive and significant that a path is formed below or under or beneath them.
That is:True talents always shine through. or: Where there is a real ability, there is fame or reputation.
学高为师,身正为范。Those with the best knowledge are taken as our teachers or professors and those with the best behaviors are considered as our models or examples.
一日为师,终身为父。A teacher for a day is a father for a life. Or: One day as a teacher, lifelong as a father or rather a mentor.

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